Now that you've read
the book, checked the latest news, and seen some of the history of
The Perfect Storm event, why not check out what went on behind the
scenes? If you have any information or anything you'd like to
contribute to the site, please feel free to send it in: ovi@cinemenium.com
just thought I would post my experience on the
set of the movie.
I know a couple of extras and was able
to have breakfast in the makeshift "backstage." Walking
into the old dock building, I was sure that I had dimply stumbled on
a fisherman's party. The
Hollywood version of our town will be a beautiful one. The fishing
vessels set against the backdrop of the new
Crow's Nest is quite breathtaking. Sitting and
watching the extras play cards with the
replica of Andrea Gail in the background
was eerie. I thought back to the memorials of 1991. I wonder how
many of the Warner brothers people have experienced
the sadness of such a dramatic loss. Today
they are here. Tomorrow they are gone.
No burials, no closure. What is simply a story to Hollywood, is the
fabric upon which Gloucester is built.
How many have looked out to sea from our
shore, hoping against hope. I sat with
the make believe fisherman, looking at the
make believe Andrea Gail and I felt the loss and survival of
centuries. I am glad these men will
be remembered. I hope that Hollywood does some
justice for all who have "gone
down to the sea in ships."" Vicki-lynn

Hey, everybody
This is a nice picture sent in by a reader of the site with a Mark
Wahlberg sporting a New England Patriot cap and better yet,a
beautiful girl. Could she hug him any harder??

Buy the Perfect Storm

Purchase a replica of
the famous "Cape Pond Ice" t-shirts worn in The Perfect
Storm movie!