Every once
in a while, a film is released that tells the story of something
that actually happened or is based on an idea or event that did
happen. Examples of such stories that made it to the silverscreen
are Saving Private Ryan, Schindlers List, and Patch Adams among
others. The Perfect Storm is one such film that is based on a true
account, an account that pitted ordinary people in extraordinary
events. While some of the stories that I've included below are
probably not as horrifying or intense as the waters that the Andrea
Gail sailed, they still showcase an element of human drama that is
rarely visible in our daily lives. Perhaps what makes these stories
so incredible is the fact that there is more to the story than what
you see on the screen and hear in the dialogue, there are real
people telling real stories for a real audience. That is the purpose
of this section of the site, to expose those stories that might not
have gotten the attention it deserved. To the right are a few examples of
some amazing, horrifying, and inspirational accounts of real life
events that happened to real people.

you have a story or account that you think should be included ? Please send them here!
of Hope- I
have collected information on a story that I found extremely
amazing. This is a shocking true story about a lone stranded Russian
sailor who performed surgery on himself during a storm in the middle
of the Atlantic Ocean thousands of miles away from help. Definitely
one of the best human drama stories I've ever read.
Kent Leonard, the son of Ray Leonard sent in this interesting
story about his father who was also in the Storm of '91. Good read.