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 Did you Know?

This is the section of the website where we put content that probably wouldn't fit anywhere else. Feel free to add anything that you think should be included. Email me here: ovi@cinemenium.com
  • Both Nicolas Cage and Mel Gibson were offered the part of Captain Tyne, but with all of the special effects the film will require, there wasn't enough budget to pay either of their huge salaries.
  • Mark Wahlberg's role (Bobby Shatford) was originally offered to Ben Affleck
  • Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio will play the part of Captain Linda Greenlaw, the world's only female swordfish boat captain. Greenlaw's boat, the Hannah Boden, was the sister vessel to the ill-fated Andrea Gail.
    Boston Globe, 8/19/99
  • George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg spent a night on a commercial fishing vessel off the coast of New Jersey in an effort to get "in character" for their roles in the movie.
  • In addition to being in Junger's book, Linda Greenlaw has since written her own memoir of being a woman in a male-dominated profession, The Hungry Ocean: A Swordboat Captain's Journey.
  • Production of the film began July 26, 1999, in Los Angeles. Filming started August 15, will move in September to Gloucester, and will return to Los Angeles later in the fall. Filming may take as long as four months -- until the middle of December [quite on schedule, filming wrapped December 17th].
    WB Press Release, 8/06/99
  • Boston-based Kevin Fennessy Casting will hold an open casting call for paid extras for The Perfect Storm Saturday in Gloucester. Warner Bros. is also seeking resumes for crew members.
    Boston Globe, 8/19/99
  • More than 1,300 movie-extra hopefuls turned out during the open call Saturday in Gloucester for spots in Warner Bros.' "The Perfect Storm." Casting director Kevin Fennessy and his Boston-based crew found 600 extras for the largest crowd scene - a funeral at St. Ann's Church in Gloucester - including several people who had attended the actual services for the ill-fated crew of the Andrea Gail.
    Boston Globe, 8/24/99
  • Filming on the North Shore for the film adaptation of Sebastian Junger's book is scheduled to begin just after Labor Day, with construction still taking place on the [sets for the] crew's local hangout, the Crow's Nest.
    Boston Globe, 8/24/99
  • The film . . . [is] to start shooting today in Gloucester for three weeks.
    Associated Press, 9/8/99
  • Visual-effects house ILM will provide computer graphics under the supervision of Helen Elswit and practical effects will be supervised by John Frazier (The Haunting, Armageddon).
    WB Press Release, 8/06/99
  • Filming on special-effects shots for The Perfect Storm and water scenes is already underway on the sound stage at the Warner Bros. lot in Burbank, Calif.
    Boston Globe, 8/24/99
  • The Lady Grace, a 72 foot longliner formerly working out of Ocean City, Maryland, was purchased by Warner Bros. for the movie. It sailed to the West coast in May for modifications and filming, but has recently returned to the East coast. More filming of fishing scenes is planned for September off the coast of New England.



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